Jomon Sugi

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  • Jomon Sugi Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Cedar Tree Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Cedar Tree Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Cedar Tree Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Long Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

  • Jomon Sugi Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

  • left: The Great King Cedar (Daio Sugi), Jōmon Sugi Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

  • Meoto-sugi Cedar, Jōmon Sugi Hiking Tour Yakushima Island

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Facts & Figures

Jomon Sugi is the oldest cryptomeria japonica tree in the world. Jōmon Sugi is estimated to be between 2000 and 7200 years old.


Until the late 1960`s the local people in Yakushima kept the existence of Jōmon Sugi a secret. After the location was revealed the hiking tour to the oldest tree became the most popular tour on Yakushima island.


Map of Japan

Jomon Sugi on Yakushima, located at 1280m altitude, is reachable by an intense hiking tour.

How to get to Jomon Sugi?

  • 10-12hrs round trip of 19.5km from Arakawa-tozanguchi trailhead
  • 10-12hrs round trip of 19.5km from Shiratani-unsuikyo-tozanguchi trailhead

Sightseeing spots


Wilson's Stump - big stump with 13.8m surrounding length

Meoto-sugi Cedar - husband and wife cedar trees, it looks like two sugi trees are holding hands

Daio-sugi Cedar - belongs to the largest trees in Yakushima

Jomon Sugi - impressive giant cryptomeria

Festival & Events (dates can change without notice)


Yakushima Goshinzan Festival (first Saturday and Sunday)
It is a summer festival, at the stage of the Miyano-ura-gawa River, of a solemn shrine ritual where even tourists can take part of it.

Where to stay in Yakushima?

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